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Monday, February 21, 2011

Sea Temp Research will Aid Tasmanian Aquaculture, 17 February 2011

Tasmanian salmon farmers will now be better prepared to cope with climate change, thanks to water temperature forecasting from the CSIRO. Scientists say south-east Australia is a climate change 'hot spot' where sea temperatures are increasing four times faster than the global average in recent decades.

CSIRO research scientist Alistair Hobday says providing three-monthly water forecasts will give fish farmers the information they need to keep fish healthy in warmer seas.

"They're able to do things like work out how many salmon they want to keep in each particular cage, they can decide which parts of their lease they might like to use," he said. "They can also decide what kind of diet they'll give the fish in the coming months.

"And you can be prepared with staffing levels about how many people might need to be employed to keep the cages clean."
